About Us

About Us

Our Background

Current public opinion holds that a father’s greatest role is to provide values to his children, followed by emotional support, discipline, and income support — a far cry from the traditional “breadwinner” rhetoric. As the role of what it means to not just be a father — but a good dad — evolves, reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled as a single father (while providing everything your children need), can feel overwhelming. That’s why single dad support groups are on the rise, and that’s why they’re necessary.

“Both single mothers and single fathers are unfairly stereotyped and stigmatized, but there are some differences between the two,” Dr. Bella DePaulo, Academic Affiliate of Psychological & Brain Sciences at University of California Santa Barbara, specializing in the practice and study of single life, explains. “Sometimes people assume the worst about single fathers — that they are ‘deadbeat dads.’ There could be something uniquely fulfilling about getting to know other single fathers in single father support groups.”

The Single Dads Network was established with a clear and heartfelt mission in mind: to connect the bridges between struggling fathers who find themselves navigating the often complex and demanding world of parenting on their own or co-parenting with another parent. It was founded on the belief that the challenges faced by single dads are unique and that they deserve a dedicated support system. One of the core objectives of this network is to dispel the lingering stigma surrounding single fathers and parenting as a whole. We aim to demystify the notion that only female parents possess the inherent ability to nurture and raise children. Every parent, regardless of gender, possesses the capacity to provide love, guidance, and a stable environment for their children. Through the Single Dads Network, we aspire to foster a supportive community where fathers can share their experiences, seek advice, and find solace in the company of those who understand their journey intimately. By doing so, we hope to empower single dads to thrive as loving and capable parents, while simultaneously challenging outdated stereotypes about gender roles in parenting.

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Our Vision

Our vision is that all children living with and raised by a single father will become productive contributing members of society and lead a normal life.

Our Goals

  • To encourage, educate and empower single dads to rise up and successfully lead their families to become contributing and productive citizens in their communities.
  • To provide the framework for a mentoring and support programme for single dads and their children.
  • To coach single dads in setting goals and writing a vision for their family and equipping them with the skills to execute those goals and develop meaningful family values.
  • To provide a life coach accountability partner for single dads and their children.

Meet the Team

Get to know us



Sthembiso Phakathi is a proud (single) dad of four who’s passionate about community development and holds dearly strong family values and principles. For the past 29 years of his life he’s been raising kids as a single dad and recently felt that – through this network – a platform of sharing knowledge, information and ideas about single parenting could assist a lot of his friends, colleagues and family facing similar set of circumstances. Through his own experiences and lessons, he believes that such a platform could raise awareness amongst single dads and create an opportunity for them to become better dads and be more involved in their children’s development and – hopefully – improve family relationships. He also hopes to learn from other single dads out there through their own personal journeys and experiences.

Sthe (as he’s affectionately known) says that he’s learned what real love feels like through his relationship with and knowing his kids. “I know this is a foolish statement, but I believe that I have received and have given love over many years, and perhaps for the first time ever”, he adds. He believes this has been the kind of love that has no agenda, when someone can’t give you anything, and you’ve let go of your expectations of them. “You communicate honestly and directly. The relationship is filled with truth, regardless of how hard that truth may be. You still find a way to be kind and find gratitude in that relationship, no matter how you are treated. The gem on the other side of that truth and kindness — that’s love, whether received or given.”